real estate mogul Donald Trump has urged President Obama to “get tough with
Saudi Arabia” on oil prices and said the US military should seize Iraq’s oil
reality TV star, who is weighing a presidential run in 2012, said OPEC had run
riot with oil prices and was forcing petrol costs to unrealistic levels.
prices are going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don’t have anybody in Washington
that calls OPEC and says, “Fellas, it’s time. It’s over. You’re not going to do
it anymore,” Trump said during an appearance on ‘Good Morning America.’
going to look ‘em in the eye and say, “Fellas, you’ve had your fun. Your fun is
Arabia is oil cartel OPEC’s largest exporter and a long-time ally of the United
wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for us. If it weren’t for us, they
wouldn’t be there. These 12 guys sit around a table and they say; ‘Let’s
just screw the United States,’” Trump said.
The real estate tycoon, who ranked 488th on Forbes magazine’s 2010 list of the
world’s billionaires, was equally controversial on the subject of Iraq.
US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 cost the Pentagon an estimated $1bn a week and
led to the death of at least 4,447 US military deaths. In compensation, Trump
said, the military should seize the country’s oil fields and funnel off the profits.
go into Iraq. We have spent thus far, $1.5 trillion. We could have rebuilt
half of the United States. So, in the old days, you know when you had a
war, to the victor belong the spoils,” he said.
not stealing anything. You’re taking – we’re reimbursing ourselves – at
least, at a minimum, and I say more. We’re taking back $1.5 trillion to
reimburse ourselves.”
controversial views have proved popular with the American public. An Associated
Press report said presidential polls showed growing support for his candidacy.
The billionaire has said he would spend upwards of $600m on a potential run.