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A picture tells a thousand words, especially when building your personal brand

There are no excuses. If you want to build an audience that connects with and sets yourself apart from the competition, your focus first and foremost must be on your personal brand.

Kelly Lundberg, is a personal brand and business mentor.

Kelly Lundberg, is a personal brand and business mentor.

In this busy virtual world, people can be very quick to judge if they want to do business with you. To put it quite simply you can build or lose trust by having a poor-quality presence online. Whether you like it or not your personal brand image matters.

There are no excuses. If you want to build an audience that connects with and sets yourself apart from the competition, your focus first and foremost must be on your personal brand.

Online there is no relying on non-verbal communication for revelations about a person. Social media platforms, websites and articles for publication are a representation of your personal profile. In order to make your mark you will need quality photographs and images to distinguish you from the crowd.

First impressions count. Your digital footprint is a guide to who you are. Messages shared on your profile and pictures posted are lasting. Making the effort to present the best version of yourself counts if you are serious about building trust and credibility. What you share, post and present should be of high quality, consistent and authentic.

I learned the hard way when I first started out in business 15 years ago. A large media company wanted to feature my business launch in one of their magazines. They asked me to send along with my press release a high-resolution image. I confess I was a little naive, with no idea at the time what this entailed (and the difference it would make). I picked up my camera, a Fuji 2MB, nipped downstairs to the lobby and asked the security guard to take a picture of me.

Yes, I did send that image to the media company and I am quite sure when they received it, they found it highly entertaining. It was far from quality, but I learned quickly. I swiftly invested in my first professional photoshoot which then became the start of annual (now monthly thanks to social media) photoshoots which have resulted in eight magazine front covers.

Quality of camera, lighting and set up are always much better than if you were to do it yourself.

Now you may not be looking for that front cover, but as Rory Vaden says “personal branding is the digitisation of reputation” to make a great first impression your personal pictures are a powerful representation of you.

If you truly want to elevate your personal brand by securing quality profile shots follow my step-by-step tried and tested tips.

Book a professional photographer

Research, find someone’s style of photography you like and ask who their photographer was and pay to get professional pictures taken.

Identify what kind of style you like. Pinterest has tonnes of examples, I personally prefer light and airy shots as this best represents my brand, rather than a dark and moody style.

Quality of camera, lighting and set up are always much better than if you were to do it yourself. Even if you don’t like getting your photograph taken, that’s more of a reason to seek out a professional.

What will you use the images for?

Make a plan, know where your images are going to be used. Different situations may require certain sizes and a mix of portrait and horizontal shots.


Discuss with a photographer the location. Formal, you may wish this set in an office space or at home. For a more relaxed lifestyle choice perhaps look to a café setting or parks. Time of day will matter for the most appropriate lighting and type of shot.

Time of day will matter for the most appropriate lighting and type of shot.


The bit I love, what to wear!  As a minimum you will need at least three outfits. Think casual, relaxed and then ones that is your interpretation of business.

When choosing looks try and avoid loud and bold, they can be striking but also incredibly memorable. I made the mistake (just the once) of choosing a very bold printed dress. That image then became my home page on my website. I felt very self-conscious when out and about wearing this dress again in case people thought it was the only dress I had. It was just too distinctive.

You may have brand colours and brand style to consider. If you decide on a black outfit, then make sure the other choices are from a different colour palate.


Have you products that you want to showcase? One of my recent clients took their new business award to their shoot. Maybe you want to take your laptop, an image like this could be used for a contact us page on your website. Or do you host a podcast and want an image to promote that in the future consider taking a mic with you that you could use as a prop.

Hair and make-up

Investing in your personal brand image and your business means there is no skimping on perfecting the finishing touch.

Get your nails done (for those cute cup holding shots) and always, have your hair and make-up done professionally.

Investing in your personal brand image and your business means there is no skimping on perfecting the finishing touch.

After your personal branding shoot is over, book a night out with friends or your partner and celebrate feeling special.

It’s important to realise that your brand already exists, whether or not you’re actively managing it, so take control now and look at ways you can improve so that the real Brand YOU stands out.

Kelly Lundberg, is a personal brand and business mentor.

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